Land of Eternal Hope – in London on the 4th June – mark your calendars!

A precious moment awaits: that in which I can finally share the life stories of my friends and my memories of these fascinating years with my London friends, and many more of you I hope!
Afghanistan is at a crossroads, as the Afghan people are electing their new President and getting ready to face their future with a reduced presence of foreign military. What better time to reflect on the evolutions of the last 10-15 years, comparing and contrasting perspectives, and looking to this future with hope?

Join us for an evening of reading, discussion, sharing and relaxing around drinks, on the 4th June, at 6:30pm in the London International Development Centre (Upper Meeting room). LIDC is in 36, Gorden Street.
See for details.

I am extremely grateful to The Leverhulme Center for Integrated Research on Agriculture and Health for and London International Development Centre for hosting this event, in the context of their Annual Conference ( We’ll be talking about Afghanistan’s recent history, its people, humanitarian and development work, international politics, agriculture, health and nutrition, but most of all, about the preciousness of friendships through tough times…

Don’t hesitate to pass the word around and I look forward to seeing you there!